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牛津上海课标版《Unit 4 Entertainment》精品教案优质课下载

1.Help the students know more about the advantages and the disadvantages of playing video games.

2.Improve the students’ reading and writing skills.

Teaching important points and difficult points :

1、How to express their ideas about playing video games.

2、How to cooperate well with group members and learn from each other.

Teaching aids: multimedia, computer, blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Greeting

Step2. Lead-in (2 mins)

Step3. Fast—reading (7mins )

Comprehension : in the following passage find the five places in which the information is not based on the text, and correct them.

Research showed that game players were better at focusing on objects than non-gamers. It is also good for people’s eyesight. People who play action games are better than those who do not play action games in tests of attention skills. Playing video games could improve the driving abilities of young people. In the experiment, the gamers could track up to 30 objects on the screen at a time. Children can improve their attention skills by playing computer games. School children should spend more time playing video games. Playing computer games is bad for children’s brain.

Step 4. Careful –reading (12 mins )

Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. What does the study find?

2. Who are Daphne Bavelier and Shawn Green?

3、Does playing video games help elderly people?

Step5. Talk something about advantages and disadvantages of playing video games. (12 mins )



Step6. Further Discussion: (10 mins)

How should we treat playing video games?

(Everything has two sides;In a word; or To begin with; In addition; What’s more; In conclusion, and so on..

On one hand……

On the other hand……)