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III. Learning Objectives

1)To learn by heart as many useful words and phrases related to festival as possible and grasp the standards of a good composition.

2)To enable the students to make sentences about celebration time, origin, customs and meaning of festivals and to write a composition according to the given plan as quickly as possible.

3)To improve students' cultural awareness from carnival and learn more about Chinese traditional festivals and respect for Chinese festivals.

IV. Important Points

1).To learn by heart some useful words and phrases related to festival .

2).To instruct the students to make sentences according to the given information .

V. Difficult Points

How to polish a composition and express themselves clearly .

VI. Teaching Approach

Task-based teaching ; Cooperative and exploratory approach; Inspiring approach

VII. Teaching aids

The multimedia; Student paper

VIII. Teaching Procedures

Step1 Leading-in

Students enjoy an English song

Step2 Guiding to the Lesson

Show some pictures about the Western and Chinese Festivals.

Let students have a understanding of about writing a festival.

Guide students to think of some tips about writing a festival and summarize them.

Step3 Self-Driven Study

Finish the sentences by themselves according to the given information

Step4 Cooperation and Discussion

Change the two sentences into advanced ones by transitional words conjunctions

Enrich and complete the composition.