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模块三 Module III Broardening horizons《Reading(1):Lost civilizations》公开课教案优质课下载

3. To train the students’ skimming and scanning ability.

Teaching points and difficulties:

To learn the reading strategy of reading diary entries.

To grasp the reading skills.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Brainstorming

1. Do you know about the four ancient great civilizations in the world? What are they?

2. Do you know some buildings that could represent ancient civilizations in China or throughout the world ?

3. What are the similarities and differences among these places? Can you use some words to describe them?

Step2 Fast reading

What is the text made up of?

2. Skimming: Choose the correct main idea for each part.

Diary1 A . a lecture about Pompeii and the volcano

Diary2 B. a visit to the ancient Roman city of Pompeii city

Diary3 C. general information about Loulan

Diary4 D. the purpose and destination of the trip

Diary5 E. the discovery of the Loulan kingdom

Step3 Reading strategy

What should we pay attention to when we are reading diaries?

Step4 Careful reading

Para.1 Read para.1 and write down the information.

TimeWhere to visit15th July16th JulyThe next weekPara.2 Read para.2 and answer the following questions

1. What did Ann do on 16th July?

2. When did the volcano erupt?

Para.3 Read para3 and tell us the following statements are true or false.

