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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块六 Module VI Making a better worldGrammar and usage(2): Unreal conditions下载详情
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译林2003课标版《Grammar and usage(2): Unreal conditions》精品教案优质课下载

Master the sentence patterns of the Subjunctive mood in Unreal conditionals.

Use the Subjunctive mood freely in Unreal conditionals.

Use unreal conditionals to express wishes and opinions .

Pay attention to safety problems and value lives.

Teaching important points and difficult points

1.Help students use the Subjunctive mood freely in unreal conditionals.

2.Help students use unreal conditionals to express opinions

3.Help students to pay attention to safety problems and value lives.

Teaching aids : computer, phone , seeworld

Teaching procedure

ProcedureTeacher activityStudents activityPurposeUse of MultimediaStep1.

Lead in (1)

Show some pictures to students to lead to Unreal conditionals.

Enjoy some pictures and review the concept of Unreal conditionalsAttract students interests and lead in the topic of this classPictures to attract students attentionStep2.Lead in (2)

play a video and ask students to summarize the features of Unreal conditionals

summarize the features of Unreal conditionalsReview the features of Unreal conditionalsExploring the video and practicing hearing Step3. Practice(1)Show two uncompleted sentences to make students complete (Individual work)

Complete sentences using Unreal conditionals opposite to present and future

Apply the Unreal conditionals opposite to present and future to making sentences

Show some pictures to make a context of using unreal conditionalsStep4. Practice(2)Show a video about the accident happened in Chongqing and ask questions “if sb had done sth.....”(Pair work)

Make a list poem using Unreal conditionals opposite to the past.

Apply the Unreal conditionals opposite to the past to making a list poem

Video let students know more about the accident directlyStep5.

Practice (3)Show students a short article about “Chen yufang” and ask them to use Unreal conditionals Fill in the blanks using Unreal conditionals opposite to present, future and past.Apply the Unreal conditionals to fill in the blanks


Practice(4)Show a picture of school bullying and ask students to discuss“1.what happened to the boy?2.If you were the boy ,what would you do?”(Group work)

