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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁教五四制版六年级下册Section A 1a-2d下载详情
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Finish the new words by themselves, and check the answers with your partner.

Recite the words and play a game. (You do , I guess)

Listening to the tape and finish 1b.Writing the new words by themselves can help me check their homework. After a short memory, each team send 2students to take part in the game. This game can help the students master the words better. 1b can practice their listening and do some dictation practice.Step 3 Study with your group

Present the sentence pattern ‘there be’ and ‘Where’ questions.

Pair work: Practice the sentence with your partner.1. To improve their self-learning ability and learn the use of “there be”.

2. To improve their speaking skills.Step 4 Show your skills

Group work: Look at the map. Make your own conversations and act it out.

When they make conversations, they can practice the sentence patterns more fluently.

Acting the conversations out can let students learn English in a relaxing way. At the same time, I can encourage them to learn English well.Step 5 TestCheck their learning outcome.Step 6 HomeworkFinish the homeworkBlackboard DesignUnit 10 Is there a post office near here?

Is there a hospital on Bridge Street? Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.

There is a hospital on Bridge Street. There is a bank on Long Street.

There be + 名词 + 地点状语 表示在某地有某物

Where is the hospital?

The hospital is on Bridge Street. The hospital is next to the police station.