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Teaching difficulties:

To voice students’ opinions on how to be successful

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up &Lead-in

T:Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. A game show for you .Look at my hand ,there is a green ball in my hand, can you guess what is it ?(take out a tennis ball in the hand while showing the picture on the screen)


T: Very good job boys and girls. This is a tennis ball ,Right? (Look at the screen ,tell the name about the ball and the racket ,together with students.)Do you know who is our best tennis player in our country? (show next picture about Li Na)


T:Yes Well done ,she is Li Na ,who is the tennis champion in China. But do you know who are the tennis champions in the USA ?(show the pictures about the sisters) Look at this picture. Do you know the two sisters?


T: Excellent job. They are sisters and both tennis champions. They are sports stars too. Today we will learn the new lesson (Unit 2 Lesson 3 sports stars) to know more about them.(板书 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 3 sports stars) Look at the screen ,here are their introductions for you ,read as quickly as you can (pause 10s ) Do you want to know more about them? Let us do it.(turn to page 26).

Ⅱ Reading

Step 1 Fast reading (1m):

match the main idea of each paragraph, and do it on your paper sheets.

Para 1 Brief introductions

Para 2 achievements

Para 3 their childhood

Para 4 family and education

Answers: 1—3—4—2

Step 2 Detailed-reading (Group Work 3m)

T:There are four paragraphs in the text .So I will give you different questions about each Para. I will guide you now. If you meet the difficulties ,please hands up .(show the paper sheets to the Ss.)

Para 1 when you finish this Para, you should tell me the sisters` ranks. Tell me the numbers, ok?

Para 2 I want you to fill in the blanks I will give you some guided words, according to these words , please fill in the blanks.OK?

Para 3 Two questions for you and please answer the questions in the whole sentences while paying attention to the verbs.

Para 4 According to the years , please underline their achievements