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Use the multi- media to show fine pictures of sports stars and lead in the new lesson.

Step 2 Guessing the meaning of key words

Read the text and guess the meaning of the key words.

Key words: champion/ train/look back / compete against / come to an end/ express an interest in / amazing /keen / fortunately / make progress /improve

Step 3 Reading for topics

Read the text quickly and find the topic for each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: Why are the sisters unusual?(Brief introduction)

Paragraph 2: What kind of background are they from ?(family and social background.)

Paragraph 3: Who helped them to succeed?(Parents helped them with their training and studies)

Paragraph 4: How was their road to success? How do the two sisters get on at home?(Amazing success and achievements. Very well)

Step 4. Reading for details.

Read the text to judge if these statements are true(T) or false(F)

1. Venus and Serena Williams are sisters, both of whom are tennis champions and often have to play each other!

2. The two sisters were born in a poor but safe area of California.

3. While practising tennis, the sisters had to run and hide because there were always hurricanes there

4. California was full of drugs and crimes then.

5. The sisters’ mother trained them in a strict way. The father helped them complete their Schooling at home.

6. The two sisters are studying literature at college.

7. Venus and Serena have both won champions at Wimbledon.

8. Tennis has caused no problem between the two sisters.


Step 5 Reading for titles

Read the article and suggest a title for the text. Add new information about the two sisters.

Possible title for the article: Two Sister Tennis Stars in One Family.

First ask students to add new information about the two sisters. Then the teacher adds more.