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《Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers》集体备课教案优质课下载

Analysis of


Students who are supposed to learn this lesson have successfully finished 2 modules of Senior High English, and they have learned some new words and grammatical knowledge. All of them are enthusiastic, confident and eager to learn something really new.

However, the students may still feel difficult with some new words, phrases and grammar in this lesson. What’s worse, they may lack certain background information concerning Vikings. Therefore, arousing their interests is important for them to learn the lesson well.

Main Topic

Viking Voyages to America

Teaching Aims

Core competence

Language ability

SS will be able to retell the Vikings’ exploring stories.

Learning ability

SS will develop reading skills by cooperative study.

Thinking quality

SS will be able to summarize and classify factors that lead to Vikings’ success and think about how to achieve their own success.

Cultural moral character

SS will learn the exploring spirit and have confidence in Chinese culture.

Teaching Methods &

Learning Methods

1. Multimedia assisted introduction of the topic, background.

2. Students-centered and task-based teaching methods.

3. Learner-based, co-operative and inductive learning methods.

Teaching Important Points

The usages of the new words, phrases and grammatical structures.

How to read for useful information from the text.

How to learn the exploring spirit.