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北师大2003课标版《Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers》精品教案优质课下载

to review an consolidate the relative pronouns

Teaching difficult and important points:

to master relative clauses with when, where and why

to improve the students’ reading skill

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warming up

1. T plays the music The sea for Ss to enjoy . After enjoying the beautiful music , T asks Ss what activities can you do in the sea ? Ss give the possible answers : diving, surfing . Windsurfing jet skiing .etc.

Then show Ss the pictures of Zheng He and Christopher Columbus, and tell Ss The two persons once did something more meaningful on the sea, Do you know anything about them? Ss talk something about them freely T summarizes that both of them show The Spirit of Explores.

Step2. Pre-reading

1.Ask the Ss which of the following people do you think arrived in America first?

a) Christopher Columbus

b) Ancient Romans

c) Chinese

d) Vikings

Ss make guesses according to the title and the pictures on this page. Check the answer, with class.

2. Show the names of places where Vikings once arrived on the map to make Ss know clearly where they are.

Step3. Reading

Task1. Fast reading

Ss read the text quickly and find out the answers to these questions:

1)Where did the Viking’s ancestors come from ?

2)With whom did he if discuss his plans to further west?

Task2. Detailed reading

Read the passage again , Deal with the detailed information.

Part1. The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America . (part1)

Part2. Information about the Vikings. (Para.2)