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必修3《Lesson 3 Marco Polo》优质课教案下载

1) To develop Students’ reading skills: skimming and scanning.

2) To retell the story of Marco Polo.

c. Moral Aim:

1) To train the students to cooperate with each other

2) To improve students’ understanding of spirits of Marco Polo and try to learn from him.

d. Culture Awareness:

To know the story of western traveler and his contributions.

II. Key and Difficult Points:

a.?Teaching Important Points:

1)?To figure out the main idea of each paragraph.

2)?To practise the students’ oral English..

b.??Teaching Difficult Points:

1)??How to retell the story of Marco Polo.

2)??How to use the words and phrases to make sentences. .

III. Teaching Methods: Task—based method, communicative approach

IV. Teaching Aids: multi-media set

V. Teaching procedures:

Step1. Greeting and warming-up

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome to our today’s lesson,before class let’s appreciate some pictures.

(show some pictures about Italian cultures, such as famous buildings, Italian soccer, food)

S: appreciate these pictures

T: but how about the Italian people? Do you this Italian person---- Marco Polo?

Today, we will introduce him to know more information about him.

Step2. Reading
