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北师大2003课标版《Grammar Summary》新课标教案优质课下载

b. Students’ Analysis: Students in Senior 1 have already come across some sentences using the present participle. They still have difficulty understanding the use of it. In this lesson, they will be provided with more practice on how to use the present participle correctly and properly.

Teaching Aims

After class, students are able to

Knowledge object: learn the form of the present participle as well as the use of it acting as an adverbial in a sentence.

Ability object: use the present participle correctly and properly.

Emotion objet: be aware of the diversity of language.

Teaching Difficult and Important Points

How to get students to learn the function of the present participle and apply it to practice.

Teaching Methods

pair-work; ask-answer; group-discussion; task-based activities

Teaching Aids

the blackboard / a computer

Teaching Procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

Greet the whole class warmly .

Step 2: Leading-in

Ask students to enjoy a picture of shared bikes and tell them the experience of how I used it for the first time. Ask students to answer several relevant questions using the present participle.

My Experience

One morning, I was on the way to school. Seeing a girl riding a yellow bike, I came up with an idea: Why not use a shared bike instead of walking to school? Not finding a shared bike nearby, I took out my phone and with the help of a smartphone app, I located a bike not far away. Then I scanned its QR code to unlock it. Enjoying the beautiful scenery, I rode the bike along the road.

1) When did I come up with the idea of using a shared bike?

Seeing a girl riding a yellow bike, I came up with the idea.

2) Did I find a bike nearby? What did I do then?

Not finding a bike nearby, I took out my phone.

3) What did I do while I rode a bike?

Enjoying the beautiful scenery, I rode a bike.