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Let the students know the using of doping and gene therapy in sports has bad effects on the Olympic spirit. And make the students respect and preserve the Olympic spirit.

三、学习者特征分析通过warm up的学习,同学们对人体结构已有所了解。根据他们的常识,对本课的内容及作者的观点理解起来比较容易。本课涉及一定量的生单词,对于阅读理解本文来说会造成一定的阻碍。其次,学生虽具备一定的阅读理解能力,但在有限的时间内查找特定的信息和分析处理这些信息的能力还有待提高。在表达自己对于违禁药品的观点时,由于知识及单词量的限制,恐怕很难准确表达自己的观点。

四、教学策略选择与设计Teaching methods教学方法

Skimming, scanning, asking and answering activity, individual, pair or group work, discussion and cooperative learning

Teaching Aid:

The multi-medium and blackboard

Lesson 1 Super Athletes包括6项活动,紧扣文章内容。第一项是导入活动,通过图片和视频导入本可内容。第二项是快速阅读,并设置了与把握文章大意与结构相联系的问题,要求学生阅读课文并把握文章大意。第三项是要求学生详细阅读课文来训练他们的理解能力并考查学生捕捉文章重点信息的能力。第四项的内容是在前一项的基础上深入到话题讨论,加深学生对服用兴奋剂和基因治疗的认识,引导学生正确理解奥运精神。第五项是课文内容总结。第六项是课后作业,巩固课堂所学内容并预习下节课要学内容。

五、教学重点及难点Teaching Important Point:

Learn to use the Reading Strategies to understand the text.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to understand the text in details.


step I. Review the words learned in warm up.

Step II. Ask the students to use two titles to make a guess of the article. Maybe the article will discuss: whether can super athletes finish 100 meters in just 8 seconds?

Then ask students: Who is the fastest man in the Olympic Games?

Step III. Show the students a table “The world record of Men’s 100 meters” to let students guess why athletes’ performances improved year by year

Show some pictures about Ben Johnson

Then show the chart “The world record of men’s 100 meters” and discuss in class教会学生可以从标题当中获得文章的重要信息



Step I. The students then read the article quickly to find the main idea and make a choice.

Step II. The students read the article again to match parts with headings to let students know the structure of the articleShow the choices of the main idea of the article and each paragraphs

Individual work

Check in class锻炼学生找主题句,判断文章大意的阅读技能Careful-reading