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Step II. During class --- Teamwork and Presentation (小组展示)

Students read a passage quickly .They have seven minutes to finish it .with the question ”what is its main idea? ”

( the strategies: scanning and skimming.)


During class --- Teamwork and Presentation (小组展示)

Choose the best answer:

1.To say that “fencing is a form of physical chess”, the author means that ….

A. They both require careful thinking.

B. Their rules and strategies are the same.

C. Fencing athletes are usually interested in chess.

D. They are both very difficult to play.

2.What are the benefits of practicing fencing?

A .It helps build discipline(纪律)。

B. It helps develop strategic thinking.

C. It enables you to work better under pressure.

D. All above.

Presentation(let students read the passage again,

Find some key words and useful expressions.)

1. Students present their results in the form of group competitions.

2.Students present their results in groups

Step Ⅲ. Exploration and conclusion

1.Students do translation exercises, then analyze the language contexts in some key sentences by doing group work.

2.Students draw a conclusion about the key words’ meanings with the teacher’s guide.

3.Teacher presents the results and gives necessary explanations.

Language points?