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选修7《Lesson 1 Super Athletes》公开课教案优质课下载

Moral aim:

Both doping and gene-therapy violate the Olympic spirit, we should get away from it.教学重点Help the students understand the reading materials.教学难点 = 1 ﹨ GB3 ① How to practise getting the general idea in fast reading.

= 2 ﹨ GB3 ② How to find and organize specific information in the text.教学方法 = 1 ﹨ GB3 ① Discussion to help the students understand what they learnt better.

= 2 ﹨ GB3 ② Fast reading and careful reading.

= 3 ﹨ GB3 ③ Pair work and individual work.学生分析The students have already grasped some abilities of reading and discussing and have strong desire to express themselves. The teacher can make full use of this kind of ability to improve the students’ learning interests and efficiency.


(白板使用功能)Step 1 Lead-inAsk students to guess some super athletes.To arouse the students’ interest and get ready for the topic.通过游戏和图片激发学生对本课话题的兴趣。由背景图案让学生联想到本课的标题“超级运动员”,并点击隐藏图标进行展示。接连使用屏幕遮盖,依次显示三个句子,让学生猜测我国的著名运动员,并拖动图片揭示答案。最后利用淡入的图片引出博尔特,从而联想到本课文章的标题:能否在8秒内跑完100米?可点击进行放大强调。Step 2 Pre-reading

(revision)Ask Ss to guess the Chinese meanings or English meanings of some words.To check how Ss prepare for the reading.复习已学过的单词,为阅读做准备。使用了隐藏方框这种工具,在中文框和英文框中分别设计一些单词和词组,让学生看到汉语说出英语,或者看到英语说出汉语,并通过中文框和英文框之间单词的相互拉动来检测学生。Step 3

Fast readingAsk Ss to go through the text quickly.

1. Students find the general idea of the text.

2. To know the general idea of each paragraph of the text.培养学生快速阅读,并寻找文章大意和段落主题的能力。使用图标链接课文录音,让学生听课文,明白文章的细节意思。


2.询问学生分段情况,点击问号男孩图象,进入寻找段落大意环节,使用“keyword match” 活动,让学生讲每段大意拖到正确位置,并核对答案。Step 4

Careful readingAsk the students to listen to the text and make the students understand the details and get useful information

1.Ask the students to answer some questions.

2. To judge whether the sentences are true or false.


2.让学生判断句子正误,在向全班同学展示问题答案时候,使用翻板工具陆续展示。Step 5



Ask the students to use the words from the text to fill in the summary text.To help the students fully understand the whole text.利用填空帮助学生总结本课大意,使学生深入理解文章。使用填空工具让学生总结本课大意。Step 6 Post-reading


Ask students to voice their own opinions about two questions: 1. Do athletes need doping and gene-therapy in the sports? Why?

2. What makes a super athlete?Discuss the topic .Using the words and sentences in the text and voice their own opinion.

通过小组讨论可以收集到各个同学对本话题的观点,并提高学生的课堂参与度。使用翻板工具让学生分组讨论,并用色子挑选一组发表自己的观点,从而升华学生对本文的理解,上升到情感价值观方面。Step 7 HomeworkGive students some tasks after the class.To make a deep comprehension of the text.复习巩固今天所学内容,写作任务是今天所学内容的一个输出。点击隐藏图标展示作业。Step 8 ConclusionEngjoy the song : Hand in hand..To educate students to understand the Olympic spirit.通过欣赏歌曲,升华学生对本课的理解,使知识技能目标上升到情感态度目标。点击耳机图标播放音频,使用双屏显示歌词,让学生在欣赏歌曲的同时领会奥运精神。