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Let the Ss understand the rules of grammar will enable the Ss to better express themselves. Teaching difficultiesTo guide Ss to search for key words efficiently in grammar exercise.

To help Ss deal with some situations related to subjunctive mood in learning grammar. Teaching methodsTask-based teaching

Communicative method

Group competition and group workTeaching AidsBlackboard and Multi-media

Teaching procedures教学活动



IP& timeStep 1

Lead-inHave Ss enjoy music and pay attention to the subjunctive mood used in the lyrics.To arouse Ss’ interests in grammar learning.

CW5’Step 2

RevisionUsing pictures to help Ss revise the unreal conditionals in if-clauses and do some extra practice.Remind Ss of what they have learned before so as to be prepared for the learning of the target grammar.CW&IW10’Step 3

Discovery and summaryRead some sentences from the text containing the target grammar and understand them.

Help Ss discover and summarize the grammar rules by themselves. CW8’Step 4

Practice Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Rewrite the sentences, using the mixed Conditionals.Help Ss have a better understanding of the grammar and preliminary practice.

CW&IW12’Step 5

ProductionUse the target grammar to talk about three things that Ss did or didn’t do, or that happened or didn’t happen to Ss in the past and what the present consequences are.Help Ss to use the grammar in the situational cases.


Finish the exercises on page35 in your book.

Writing: write a passage under the title—If I were a teacher, using unreal conditionals.