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2. Practice oral English by telling the story of Atlanta.

Language skills

(能力目标)1. Learn how to catch key information of a story.

2. Follow the example to retell part of the story to others.

3. Improve listening ability by catching missing information in the text.3. Learning strategies

(策略目标)1. The students will learn to skip and catch key information of a story.

2. The students’ interest in using what they have learned in their own following the examples.Teaching key points (教学重点)1. The students will be able to retell part of the story.

2. Inspire students to learn more about the Olympic Games.Teaching difficult points (教学难点)The students will be able to learn how to retell part of the story according to the pictures on the screen.Teaching methods (教法):认知法(Cognitive Approach) &任务型学习(Task-based Language Learning method)Learning methods (学法):自主学习(Autonomous Learning method)、任务型学习(Task-based Language Learning method)Teaching process (教学过程) Step 1 Lead in

(4 minutes)Show some pictures and a video of the Olympic Games in 2016.设计意图:让学生重温奥运会期间的精彩场景,激发学生的爱国热情,引出本节课的故事主人翁--Atlanta,一个跑得非常快的公主。Step 2 Introduce some tips for reading a story.

( 2 minutes)"Story": 1. It may include: when, where, who, what, why &how

2. The story must be organized in the order of time.

设计意图:帮助学生掌握阅读记叙文的技巧,为学生阅读做好准备,提高学生的阅读能力。Step3 Reading

( 10 minutes)When: In Ancient Greece Where: In Greece Who: Atlanta, the king, Hippomenes and the Goddess of love What: It’s about Atlanta who races to marry the man who can run faster than her. In order to win the race, Hippomenes goes to ask the Goddess of Love for help.

Run ______, or be ______. No one will be _________.

Why are these men so ______?

I’ll marry her, or _______.


1. Why did Atlanta make this rule?

2. Why did Hippomenes change his mind in such a short time?

Do you think beauty can be so powerful and magical?设计意图:通过阅读训练学会获取文章信息,提高学生阅读能力, 并为口语活动做准备。Step4

Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. Hippomenes was waiting when Atlanta came out. She thought, " I ___________this man _______!" So she said to her father, "Tell him ___________. The race will not _______ today." But Hippomenes said, " These are _________ : She will _______ the man who _________ than her! _________ — let's run!"

2. Listen to the ending of the story, check your guesses and answer the following questions:

1. Did Hippomenes win the race?

2. What did he do when Atlanta was in front of him during the race?设计意图:让学生学会在听听力过程中获取缺失信息,提高听力能力。Step 5 Voice your opinion