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必修4《Using LanguageⅠ》新课标教案优质课下载



1.knowledge and skills

a. To encourage the students to think and talk about body language.

b. To grasp some useful words and expressions

Process and strategies

a. Through talking about body language , make the students understand body language.

Feeling and value

a. To get students to realize the importance of body language.


My students are new students in No.1 high school, they are very lovely and active, they like chatting and making friends with other people. So I give them the topic of body language, they all like talking about it .In my class, we do a survey about how to use their body language and why? Different students have different points, they can show all kinds of body language freely to express their feelings, wishes and attitudes. In this way, my students can exchange their opinions, in the end , they can understand what is the meaning of body language.教学策略选择与设计

To practice students’ listening and speaking, firstly, In class ,students work in groups, or work in pairs, secondly ask and answer ,finally, ask every group to give us conclusion.教学重点及难点

To enable students to use given postures and gestures to understand body language.

2. To make students discuss with partners to find out ways to use body language.

教学过程Teaching procedures

Ⅰ.Introduce the topic. Body language__ showing our feelings.

Ⅱ.Talk about body language. gestures, postures and facial expressions.

Ⅲ.Fast reading.

Find the main idea of each paragraph.

Do some true or false exercises.

Ⅳ.Careful reading.

Deal with each paragraph using different methods.


Sum up what is learned and teach the students a lesson about the key to communication.
