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The grammar is taken from Book6 unit1 Art Discovering Useful Structures. In Unit1, students will practice the subjunctive mood in if clauses at present, the past and future tense. The subjunctive mood is a very important grammar item for students to understand a text well. So if we master the grammar well, we can have a better understanding of the context.

三:The bAnalysi of Students学情分析

As Senior Two students, my students are active in their studying and willing to learn new knowledge, the song and reading contexts will attract their attention without doubt. But the grammar is new to them , so at first the grammar may sound strange to them ,but based on their learning ability, I believe with my guidance ,they will learn the basic usages of subjunctive mood in if-clauses and apply the rules in real communication well .

四:The theme of the class : 本课主题

our dream: to go to a top university;protect the enviroment;cherish mama’s love

五:The teaching aims

1.Language and learning ability:语言及学习能力 students will understand, summarize the basic usages of if-clauses by reading, observing, self-study, and group discussion and thus can apply the rules to real life situations. Students will also be educated to work hard for their dream and protect the environment and there is no “if” in real life.

2.Cultural awareness:文化意识 students will find the verbs in English are important, and the subjunctive mood is expressed using verbs, which is different from Chinese.

3.Qualities of thinking:思维品质 Students will develop their creativity by making sentences using the new-learned structure and their critical thinking ability by correcting the work of others

六:Teaching and learning methods

self-study, group work, task-based reading and doing exercises

七:Teaching proceduresStep I greetings and talk about my dream设计意图:在上课前让学生听《Dream》这首歌曲,在欣赏音乐的同时也在唤醒他们的梦想,通过谈论老师的梦想,引入了今天的课堂内容的主题: 梦想着上更好的大学,环境变得更好,与妈妈相处的更好,在随后的课程中,虚拟语气的教学围绕这三方面内容展开,看似不相关的内容其实都是我们的梦想。Step II:Read and discover the rulesTask 1: llisten to a song: If I had a million dollarsIf I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars)

I'd buy you a house (I would buy you a house)

If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars)

I would buy you furniture for your house

(Maybe a nice chesterfield or an ottoman)

If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars)

I would you a K-car (A nice reliant automobile)

If I had a million dollars, I'd buy your love设计意图:用带有虚拟语气的歌曲导入虚拟语气的定义,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中理解虚拟语气的内涵并且展开话题.Task2:read the sentences and summerise the rules (与现在相反的虚拟)If I had a million dollars now, I would set up a university like it for you.

If I were a millionaire, I should pay your school fees.

If I owned a million dollars,I could change my life now.

If you gave me a million dallars, I might give you less homework today.

例句谈论的都是与 _______事实相反的情况。此时,if 条件句的谓语动词用________________, 主句的谓语动词用 ________________________________Task 3 Practice in the form of correction1 If no food was wasted ,fewer people would be hungry.

2. If we don’t use electricy, there would be less pollution.

3.If everybody saves water in our daily life, we might not be short of water resources.设计意图:通过形象的图片,创设情景,在练习虚拟语气的同时,教育学生要节约水,电和粮食。Task 4 read the sentences and summerize ther rules ( 与过去相反的虚拟)If I had worked hard, I could have studied in Beijing University.