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Teaching objectives:

I: Language objectives

To know the structure of the passage and get the main idea;

To use what has been learnt in delivering a speech.

II: Ability objectives

To develop students’ passage comprehending ability;

To train students’ English speaking ability;

To arouse students’ awareness of cooperation;

III: Moral objectives

To arouse students’ awareness of sharing and volunteering;

Teaching important and difficult points:

How to help the students to deliver a speech using some important phrases;

Teaching methods and teaching aids:

Task-based learning approach and cooperative learning approach; a computer and a blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Leading-in (warming up)

Several pictures are shown to students to introduce the concept of volunteers and volunteering;

Four pictures are used to show what volunteers usually do in our daily life. And then Jo is introduced.

Step 2: Reviewing

Help review the difficulties children in PNF met in their daily life.

“Many of them have walked a long way, sometimes up to two hours, to go to school.”

“There’s no electricity or water and even no textbooks either!”

In fact there is no equipment.

Step 3: Oral tasks