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Language is learned to be used in and for communication. So in this period we shall have the students read, listen, write and speak in English, making use of the focused words, collocations, structures and topic ideas covered in this unit. The period shall go by steps of warming up by listening and reading to the tape, reading for forms, making sentences with the collocations from The World’s Most Useful Gift Catalogue and closing down by asking about volunteer work.


To help students read the passage THE WORLD’S MOST USEFUL GIFT CATALOGUE

To help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing


1. Warming up by listening and reading to the tape

Now open your book to page 33. You are going to listening and reading to the tape, paying your attention to the pauses within the sentences.

2. Reading for forms

In written English, we use punctuation to show where the pauses in the sentences should be. When we speak English, our listeners don't see the punctuation, but we don't generally run all the words together in a stream of equally-emphasized words either; we group words by their meaning, and pause between them. This allows us to speak in phrases or thought groups, and to pause just after important information that we emphasize.

Now read the text THE WORLD’S MOST USEFUL GIFT CATALOGUE again to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations.

3. Making sentences with the collocations from The World’s Most Useful Gift Catalogue

Next you are going to making sentences using the collocations from The World’s Most Useful Gift Catalogue. You may include as many attributive clauses as possible.

Collocations from The World’s Most Useful Gift Cataloguegive an unusual gift一份特殊的礼物, one’s loved one某人所爱的人, keep a gift保留礼物, a contribution towards…对……的捐助, choose… from this catalogue从清单中选……, a really useful gift for some of the world’s poorest送一个确实有用的礼物给世界上最穷苦的人, bring hope for a better future to…带去对未来的美好希望给……, a community in need需要帮助的社区, purchase an item购买一项礼物, send…an attractive card给……发送一个精美的卡片, use the cards for any special occasion可以用在任何一种特殊的场合的礼物, purchase…from…从……购得……, train a whole village of around 40 families in new agricultural methods对整个大约40户人口的村庄进行新的农业生产方法的培训, provide seeds and simple agricultural equipment提供种子和简单的农业机械, just 20% more produce仅仅提高了20%的产量, mean the difference between sickness and health意味着患病与健康的差异, go hungry变的饥饿, provide for…为……提供,自己自足4. Closing down by asking about volunteer work

To know more about volunteer work you may put as many questions as possible to me.

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