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Ⅱ Teaching Aims

1. Students are able to predict the living condition and difficulties of people in the pictures by glancing through two pictures.

2. Students can skim to get the structure of the passage.

3. Students can understand why the catalogue of gifts is unusual by careful reading in part one.

4. By working in groups and discussion, students can match the description of gifts to the catalogue of gifts.

5. Students are helped to write a letter following the structure and content in the passage

Ⅲ Teaching Important Points

1. Students can master the following words and phrases and learn to use some of them in writing

Donate, catalogue, seedling, contribution, voluntary, purchase, loan, vaccinations, supplements, ox, tractor, tailor, acquire, operate, truck library, in need

2. Students can improve their reading skills by figuring out key words.

3. Students can realize the significance of the gifts and write a letter based on the information and expressions in the passage.

Ⅳ Teaching Procedures

ActivitiesIntentions Lead-inStep1 Free talking

The teacher leads students to have a free talk about gifts they have received and their feeling when they receive a gift from others.

引入礼物话题,激发对后续文本学习的兴趣。Pre-readingStep 2


Ask students to predict some information of the reading passage by asking three questions:

1. Where are people in the picture from?

2. What life must it be like?

3. What gifts have they received?

形成阅读期待,帮助学生对文章内容的理解,提高学生阅读 的主体意识。Step 3

Locate some countries on the world map

Ask students to locate the following countries on the map: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Southern Sudan.


Skimming and Matching