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人教2003课标版《Learning about Language》集体备课教案优质课下载

3. 教学目标

在本节课后, 学生能够:1. 在语篇中理解和使用with复合结构充当定语和状语的功能。

2. 结合单元主题,了解跨文化交际,增强跨文化交际意识。

3. 在具体的交际语境中使用with复合结构。

4. 教学重难点

本节课的重点是将with复合结构的语法融入一节课中,设置有意义的情境,帮助学生理解和运用知识,完成学习任务。为达成该目标,本节课设计从本单元travelling abroad的主题延伸,通过聚焦澳洲代表团的南平之旅,把语法串联起来,在多媒体的辅助下,引领学生重温澳洲友人来访南平的故事,同时在主题语境下展开学习活动,完成与主题相关的写作任务,为学生创造学习和运用该知识的平台。

5. 教学过程

Step One:【导入】Lead-in ( Day 1 )

Provide a short passage describing the first day of Albury delegation from Australia in Nanping. Have students fill in each blank with only one word which we learned in this unit?to complete the passage. The passage consists of seven sentences. Each sentence is presented in one picture.

[说明] 在图片的提示下,学生以语篇为背景在有意义的语境中复习选修七第五单元的一些词汇。该语篇共七句话,每一句伴随一张图片呈现。


①On the afternoon of December 4th, 2016, Albury Delegation from Australia paid a visit to our school. ②Shortly after their arrival, they were shown to the student accommodation containing three bunk beds(双层床) in each room. ③Having sorted out their luggage, the Australian visitors were waiting in a queue at the student cafeteria for dinner. ④Careful preparations had been made for the dinner, which were delicious Chinese dishes optional (可选择) for the Australian visitors. ⑤While sitting at table, some of the visitors told us this was the first time that they had left their motherland. ⑥Although the climate was opposite to that in Australia, our visitors had no difficulty adjusting to it. ⑦Finally, daily routine (常规) was introduced to them, after which they went to sleep in comfort.

Step Two:【讲授】Discovering useful structures

Present four sentences again in the first passage. Have students pay attention to the words in blue, replace them with different expressions, and find out about the functions of the “with+O+OC”.

[说明] 呈现第一个语篇中的四个句子,通过句子回放, 让学生在语境下感知四个句子中蓝色划线的字, 并使用不同的表达替换蓝色划线的字,体验with复合结构作定语和状语的用法及效果。

1. Shortly after their arrival, they were shown to the student accommodation

containing three bunk beds in each room.

= which contains three bunk beds in each room.

= with three bunk beds in each room.

Summary: Serve as an attributive 定语

2. Careful preparations had been made for the dinner, which were delicious Chinese

dishes optional for the Australian visitors.

= with delicious Chinese dishes optional for the Australian visitors.

3. Having sorted out their luggage, the Australian visitors were waiting in a queue at the student cafeteria for dinner.

= After sorting out their luggage,