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《Learning about Language》新课标教案优质课下载

人教版高中英语教材选修9,第4单元主题为Exploring Plants(探索植物),介绍人类对植物世界的探索历程。本课作为第4单元的扩展部分,选择了21世纪报中相关话题的科技类说明文Human, don't come too close(触摸植物使植物生长放缓)为蓝本,主要从分析文章结构、辨别主次要信息、转述(paraphrase)三个方面进行概要写作的指导,让学生们重新审视自己的文章并以小组形式进行修改升级、多元评价,目标达成度高。

3. 学情分析

授课对象为高一实验班学生,有一定的词汇量,积极且乐于学习,但英语表达不够地道,缺乏大量的语言输入。大部分同学对新高考题型概要写作的要求和评分标准不是非常熟悉。部分同学可能对进行概要写作的文章结构不是非常清晰,要点理解不全面或因为无法区分主要次要信息导致所写字数过长。在进行主要信息的转述时,学生可能因为缺乏技巧和语言输入而不能成功转述。针对可能遇到的以上困难,本课设计了文章结构分析环节,旨在利用图形组织器(graphic organizer)帮助学生理清文章结构;以及概要写作技巧环节,旨在帮助学生高效完成内容概要。


通过本课学习,学生将学会通过图形组织器(graphic organizer)分析文章结构,区分主要信息以及次要信息,并对主要信息进行有效转述,最终从要点齐全度,原文抄袭度,简洁性,连贯性四个方面进行多元评价。

After this lesson, students will be able to

identify key supporting details and minor details and decide which should be crossed out;

figure out the structure by drawing a graphic organizer;

apply what has been learned to create a concise and coherent summary;

improve teamwork spirit by exploring problems together and sharing ideas.


1. Key points:

This lesson mainly focuses on guiding students to figure out the structure of an expository text from 21st Century Teen, use summarizing strategies and create a concise and coherent summary, during which students activate their prior knowledge to apply two main strategies (determining the structure and paraphrasing) to clarify the structure of the text and summarize it with their own words.

2. Possible problems:

Students may have difficulty in working out a proper graphic organizer due to confusion caused by too many details and using their own words to create a summary. So before writing, there will be an analysis of the text structure to help them determine what should be crossed out when writing a summary, and also strategy guides to help them paraphrase, thus preparing them well for the following writing task.



四、教学过程(Ss=students, T=teacher)

Step 1 Lead in 3 minutes

Ss are to be given the awards of the writing task they have done, based on the statistics from

eg. Who do you think the Award of Fastest Submitters goes to?

It is Cheng Ying. Congratulations! She submitted the writing passage on Saturday morning and got a considerably good mark.


Step 2 Analysis of the text structure 8 minutes

Students are to share their graphic organizers and explain why they choose this pattern and why some details are omitted.