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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版选修10Learning about Language下载详情
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《Learning about Language》精品教案优质课下载

The students will learn and master the following words and phrases: capture, suffering, bitter, tough, vital, select, recover unbearable and etc..

Use attribute and attributive clause to write a composition.

Ability Aims:

Train the students’ writing and speaking ability.

Emotion Aims:

By learning Gou Jian story, try to cultivate students’ perseverance spirit and never give up.教学重难点1. The students are able to master new words, phrases and key sentences.(重点)2.The students can grasp Gou Jian’s character qualities and correct the composition using attribute and attributive clause.(难点)教具准备The blackboard, the multi-media 教学活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图核心素养提升点Step 1 Revision

Show the key words and phrases(supported by the multi-media)

Step 2 Lead in

Show some pictures about Li Bai, Kuang Heng and Qu Yuan.

Step 3 Learn Gou Jian’s story

Present some pictures about Gou Jian and instruct students to finish the plot.

Step 4 Brainstorming

Encourage students to summarize the character qualities of Gou Jian and other character qualities of a person.

Step 5 Write sentences

Teach students to write by using attribute and attributive clause.

Step 6 Better the writing

Show a short composition and make it better.

Step 7 Homework

1. Translate the Chinese sentences into English using attributive clause. (for everyone)

2.write a composition .(for lovers)

Students read the words together and then translate the words and phrases together.

Students look at the pictures and guess who they are. Then conclude the common personalities of them.

Read and use the correct words form to fill in the blanks.

The students work in groups and discuss the characters qualities, then write down the good and bad character qualities.

Students learn to write attributive clause and grasp three steps.