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普通高中英语课程倡导指向学科核心素养的英语学习活动观和自主学习、合作学习、探究学习等学习方式。教师应设计具有综合性、关联性和实践性特点的英语学习活动,使学生通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等一系列融语言、文化、思维为一体的活动。英语教学要激发和培养学生 学习英语 的兴趣,在加强对学生综合语言运用能力培养的同时,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。应建立以学生为主体、促进学生全面、健康而有个性地发展的课程评价体系。2.教学背景分析Analysis of the teaching material:

The teaching material is the grammar part of Book10 Unit1 Learning about language.The grammar is about the revision of the attribute.The Attribute is widely, playing an significant part in English . Senior three students have been exposed to the attribute since junior school, having a knowledge of the attribute(words, phrases, to do, doing, done, clauses),but they are not familiar with the relevance and transformation between them.Therefore in this lesson after helping students exploring and reviewing the main difficult points of the attribute, the teacher help students learn how to use the attribute in the writing and proof reading and the transformation between the attributive clause and some other attributes with the aid of some activities. The teacher adopts task-based method and inquiring learning way during teaching in order to cultivate students comprehensive language application ability.

Analysis of the students:

Most students have a basic command of the attributive clause and words, phrases used as the attribute, which helps later study a lot. Therefore, students can draw the grammar rules quickly through examples. However, senior three students are passive in grammar learning, but most students are willing to cooperate with the teacher and speak English if encouraged. Thus only by designing the activities that interest them and adopting the method according to their characteristics can the teacher make them take an active part in the class activities.3.教学目标分析According to the National English Curriculum, English teaching should aim at developing the students’ language competence, learning strategy and cultural awareness. As for this lesson, at the end of it, most students will be able to:

Language competence

have a full understanding of the meaning, structure, usage, and skills of the attribute

know the relevance between different kinds of attributes and the transformation between them

Learning strategy

learn how to use the attribute in the composition and communication

learn how to summarize the grammar rules of the attribute by themselves

3、Cultural awareness

have a sense of national pride、patriotic feelings and learn the spirit of devotion

learn to cooperate with peers and learn team spirits4.教学重点、难点分析Based on the teaching objectives and learner analysis, the teaching important and difficult points are as follow:

Teaching important points

enable the students to have a full understanding of the meaning, structure, usage, and skills of the


b、help the students know the relevance between different kinds of attributes and the transformation

Teaching difficult points

help the students learn how to use the attribute in the composition and communication

learn how to summarize the grammar rules of the attribute by themselves5.教学过程设计Step1. Leading-in ( 10 minutes)

Activity1: Looking back: Good Memories of Our Happy School Life

Through pictures and the teacher’s explanation, the students look back to good memories of happy

school life.

Aim: Use the students’ school life that is familiar to the students to draw their interest and attention quickly and pave the way for the following step—Observe.

Activity2: Observe: Let students read the passage about our happy school life, underline the attribute and find out what can be used as the attribute and its position.