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人教2003课标版《Structures in Use、Grammar in Use》集体备课教案优质课下载

【Step 2】 Example


Once, a professor held a test on his students. The professor started with the following question, “Now, ? 1 you are going to cut trees on a hill. One of the trees has a big 2 while the other’s small. Which will you cut?” The question got a quick 3 , “Of course the big one! No need to 4 .”

The professor 5 , “The big tree is a poplar(白杨)?6?seen everywhere, while the small one is a Korean pine. Consider again?” A second ? 7? ??brought students more sense: a Korean pine is much more? 8than the poplar, so they changed their decision. “? 9we'll cut the pine. The poplar isn’t worth our 10 .” Smile still 11 on the professor’s face. “But the pine’s trunk is less 12 than the poplar.” Rather puzzled, they became 13 , then said, “While, we'll cut the poplar.” The professor gave more detail. “ 14 the poplar is straight, the trunk became empty within. Then what’s your choice?”

Finally one of the students lost his 15 and said, “Professor, you have asked a series of questions leading us to change our answers 16 . What do you want to 17 after all?”

The professor’s smile 18 . He said, “Why none of you ask me for what purpose to cut the tree? Though my questions 19 all the way, they are decided by one thing: your 20 to take the action. If it aims at making handicraft articles you may cut the pine; if you just want to have some firewood, you’d better cut the poplar.”

1. A. decideB. believeC. supposeD. communicate

2. A. trunkB. leavesC. rootD. branch

3. A. showB. replyC. choiceD. notice

4. A. intendB. worryC. mindD. consider

5. A. smiledB. upsetC. ignoredD. asked

6. A. especiallyB. commonlyC. hardlyD. completely

7. A. benefitB. designC. thoughtD. time

8. A. valuableB. enjoyableC. suitableD. reasonable

9. A. frequentlyB. particularlyC. extremelyD. Naturally

10. A. performanceB. effortC. concernD. advantage

11. A. receivedB. arranged C. informedD. remained

12. A. straightB. twistedC. smartD. energetic

13. A. excitedB. terrifiedC. hesitated D. disappointed

14. A. WhetherB. ThoughC. BecauseD. However

15. A. memoryB. temperC. patienceD. way

16. A. frequentlyB. generallyC. slowlyD. suddenly

17. A. searchB. refuseC. testD. accept

18. A. offeredB. disappearedC. brokeD. recognized

19. A. promiseB. shareC. declareD. vary
