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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版高中英语语法与词汇Structures in Use、Grammar in Use下载详情
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人教2003课标版《Structures in Use、Grammar in Use》公开课教案优质课下载

Attributive Clause before, but this is the first time for them to review this grammar, so the aim of this teaching period is to enhance the students’ ability of using the Attributive Clause . And I will adopt task-based strategies and group cooperation through the class and offer them more chances to show their ability in the class.

Teaching important points and difficult points

Teaching important points

Get the students to master the Attributive Clause introduced by that, which, who and whose.

Get the students to master the Attributive Clause introduced by when, where ,why and preposition + which/whom.

Teaching difficult points

Enable the students learn how to use that, which, who, and whose correctly.

Enable the students learn how to use when, where ,why and preposition + which/whom correctly.

Teaching methods and teaching aids

Teaching methods

Task-based teaching and learning

Cooperative learning and practice

Teaching aids

A projector

Other normal teaching tools

Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

Get the students to learn the Attributive Clause introduced by that, which, who and whose.

b. Get the students to learn the Attributive Clause introduced by when, where ,why and preposition + which/whom.

2. Ability aims

a. Enable the students to use the Attributive Clause to describe things and persons.

b. Enable the students to know how to choose correct relative pronouns, relative adverbs and preposition for the Attributive Clause.

3. Emotional aims

a. Get the students to become interested in grammar learning.

b. Develop the students’ sense of group cooperation.
