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高中英语语法与词汇《Structures in Use、Grammar in Use》精品教案优质课下载

Ability aim:

At the end of the class, students are able to use these skills.

Moral aim:

Help students build their confidence and arouse their interest in learning English.

Teaching difficult point:

Grasp the practical strategies of grammatical filling and learn to analyze sentence structures.

Teaching aids:

Multi-media computer

Teaching procedures:

Step I: Lead-in

Make the students know more about this part in the College Entrance Examination.

Step II: Summarize the methods in solving the problems in their daily study

This step is designed to get the students to grasp the skills and how to analyze sentence structures. If possible, they can have a discussion in groups.

Step III Introduce some useful strategies to fill in the balnks

I will give a whole picture of what kind of grammar will be tested in this area. Let students know the key points of each part of speech , the way to do it and correct some misconceptions.

Step IV Consolidation

Let students do some exercises. This step is designed to let students consolidate what they have learned in the class.

Step V Homework

Finish the passage on the handout in about 10minutes.
