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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section B 2a—2c下载详情
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教学方法任务型教学、小组合作学习法教学过程设计备 注课题引入Step 1 .Warming-up and lead-in

1. Greet Ss as usual.

2.Two students have a free talk about how to get to school.

3.Ask students what are they talking about ? They are talking about how to get to school?Today we are goning to learn Unit3 How do you get to school?SectionB 2a-2c


主要内容Step 2. Presentation

Show them some pictures of students from a small village about how to get to school.ask students do you think it is easy for them to get to school.

Show the pictures about the new words.利用与本节课相关的图片教学单词,方便学生理解记忆

Learn and read the new words.通过领读、齐读、


Check the words,ask the students to write down the new words on the exercise books and two students to write on the blackboard.找两名同学板演,其他同学在练习本上练习。

Section B, 2a.

Look at the picture and title below. Guess what the passage is about.

T: I think it's about how some students get to school. What do you think?

S1: I think it's about how some students in the village get to school.

S2: I think it's about how some students in the mountain get to school.

6. Reading

(1). Fast reading and have a listening

Listen and read the passage and then find the answer to this question:

How does Liang liang go to school every day?

(2). Careful reading

Read the passage again and find the answers to the questions below: 小组合作讨论

1). How do the students in the village go to school?

2). Why do they go to school like this?

3). Does the boy like his school? Why?

4). What is the villager's dream? Do you think their dream can come true?

阅读指导: 首先,读这四个问题,记住这四个问题。其次,带着问题去仔细读短文,并在短文中寻找相关问题的回答依据。然后,根据相关依据,写出问题的答案。

Ss read the passage again and try to find the answers to the questions.

Check the answers with the class.

