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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c下载详情
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四、教学重、难点1. 教学重点:be going to 的基本句型教学难点:能够运用be going to 谈论计划将要发生的事。五、课堂风貌设计(活动名称)兴趣课堂:

整堂课贯穿于到重庆给外教过生日的任务中,贴近真实生活,能激发学生兴趣。另外,在Buying Gifts环节设计的猜测活动及Finding out the time活动,学生反应都很热烈。2. 自主课堂:


任务型教学法体现的就是 “在做中学”的思想,整堂课的设计学生都是通过完成任务来获取知识。人文素养课堂:

课堂中设置的三个任务,让学生通过体验、实践、参与、合作和交流等方式,发展学生的综合语言能力,并且明白做事之前要制定好计划的道理。六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)Step 1 Greetings and Introduce myself. (2 min )

Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! I am Candy. Welcome to my class. Today we are going to talk about be going to. At the end of the class, I hope you can do the following things, you can read them by yourselves: 能够掌握be going to 的含义,能够掌握be going to 的基本句型,能够用be going to 谈论计划将要发生的事,懂得为将来的事情制定计划。

During the class, you are required to collect super letters when you meet them. At the end of the class, the supper letter can teach you a useful lesson.

Step 2 Pre-task (呈现熟悉人物的照片,听微信语音聊天记录,引出任务,明确be going to的含义和形式。 )

Show Andrew’s photo to the Ss, and ask them the following questions:

T: Do you know him?

T: He was the foreign teacher in our school last year. This morning we chatted on the Internet. He told me an exciting thing. He wants you to join in his birthday party.

T: Let’s listen to the voice chatting record. There are some missing words. While listening, please finish it.

Hello, Candy. I am in Chongqing now.My?birthday?is?coming.?I am going to have a birthday party next Saturday. My friends are going to buy some delicious food and good gifts(礼物) for me. If you come, please tell Fannie. She is going to join in my party, too. By the way, I want your students to come , too. Could you please tell them about this?

(After playing the record.)

(1) 明确be动词形式

T: How many kinds of “...going to” are there?

Ss: Three. am going to, is going to, are going to

(2) 明确be going to 的含义

T: According to record, what does “be going to ” mean in Chinese?.

Ss: 将要 (4 min)

Step 2 While-task(设置买礼物、确认时间、语音回复等任务,依次呈现并练习be going to的各种人称和句型。)

T: Do you want to go to Andrew’s birthday party?

Ss: Yes.

T: Before we go to the party, I think we should make a good plan for it.

Task 1 Buying Gifts (T: First, do you think we should buy birthday gifts for him? But when are we going to buy the gift? How about tomorrow? )

T: I am going to buy a good gift for him. I am going to buy a pair of shoes tomorrow. How about you?

Write down your own ideas. (T: Please write down what you want to buy as a gift. Don’t tell others.)

2. T asks some students to share their ideas. (T: I want to know what you are going to buy. Can you tell me like this: I am going to buy....)

2. T guesses (4 min)

