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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c下载详情
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—? I want to be an engineer

(2)—?How are you going to do that?

— I am going to study math really hard.

(3) —Where are you gong to work?

— I am going to move to shanghai.

(4) —When are you going to start?

— I am going to start when I finish high school and college..

Teaching process:


Review the words about jobs..Let students guess riddles about different jobs which they have learned recently, then ask students to give riddles.When they guess the word “doctor” Make conversation with a student about seeing a doctor, then lead to the word “medicine”.

Review the sentences.Ask several students 4 questions to answer., in order to review the key structures.T: “Do you know your partner’s dream? In order to know your partner better , please ask your partner these question.” Give students several minutes to make their own dialogues, then ask some groups to give a show.

Step 2

Lead in the structure “Are you going to ……” and ”Is she /he going to……”After students’ conversation, T:: ”Sorry, I can’t follow you, Are you going to…… ”.T:: ”Sorry,. Is she going to……” Ask students to role-play with the structure in groups, then have a check.

Step 3

Ask students if they want to know the teacher’s dream to arouse the students interests. Practice the structures again. In this process show the words “London, education, college and university”in the sentences which describe the teacher’s dream. Tell students because the teacher didn’t know how she was going to do that ,the teacher’s dream didn’t come true. so that lead in the next step.

Step 4

Ask students to help out some students’ problem. Show photos about some students in class. Tell the class they have dreams ,but they don’t know how they are going to do that .Let the whole class to help them. Each group get their answers together on a piece of paper when it’s time for show , come to the front and tell the students how to do that. In this part students can have an brain storm of how to do that. This kind of method can help students learn together and have confidence to speak out.At the same time each student write down a sentence with the key structure to practice writing.

Step 5

Give students time to Finish 3a and 3b .Then check the answer.In 3b ,boys are A,girls are B. In fact step1 and4 contain the main idea of 3a and3b ,so It’s unnecessary to spend more time.

Step 6

Ask students who want to be a reporter when they grow up.when tell them how they are going to do that, the teacher help them to understand the new words article and send. For example, the teacher wants to write some words but don’t have a pen, then ask a student send a pen, according to the body language and the sentence, students can know the meaning of send. Then ask students write down their names , answer the question what ,how,when about their dreams on a piece of paper. After finishing ,let the whole class put them up on the back of the blackboard. It is the emotional education. When they are tired and want to give up their dreams ,they can turn back to look at the blackboard of their word, then they may have energy to stick to their dreams.

Step 7

After long time training, students can master the structure “be going to”.The teacher say a situation,then students tell the teacher what she is going to do to make sentences chains.In this part students can use “be going to ”to express the future plans proficiently.

Step 8

Summary : some new word and the structure “be going to”

Step 9

Homework: When they go back home ask their parents their dreams with 4 questions.

