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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c下载详情
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(2) Learn how to accept or refuse an invitation politely. It will teach the students good manners.

= 2 ﹨* CHINESENUM3 二 .Teaching important and difficult points

1.Important points:

(1).Be able to master the new words and expressions

(2).Learn to make invitations and learn to accept and refuse invitations politely.

2. Difficult points:

To improve the students’ abilities of listening and speaking. ?

= 3 ﹨* CHINESENUM3 三 .Teaching aids: blackboard, some pictures, multimedia

= 4 ﹨* CHINESENUM3 四 .Teaching procedures:

Step1. Greetings and Warming-up

Firstly, greet the whole class.

Then, play a game named “Lucky Apple”. The students pass the apple and when I say “stop”, the student who has the apple must stand up to answer my questions. I may ask “Can you play the piano?” or “What do you usually do on weekends?”

Purpose of my designing:?In this part, have the students play this game to arouse the students’ interest of studying and get more information of the students. At the same time, lead students to review some knowledge they have learned before.

Step2. Leading-in

Show students a video about Peppa Pig. She wants to have a birthday party today. And ask students “Can you come to my party?” Lead students to answer “Sure, I’d love to.”

Purpose of my designing:?To arouse the students’ interest of studying, call students’ attention, and let them know what they will learn in the coming lesson.

Step3. Presentation

1. Learn the key expressions and target language. The new phrases in this lesson are have the flu, prepare for an exam and go to the doctor.. Show them pictures of these activities one by one and teach them these new phrases.

Purpose of my designing:?After seeing the pictures, the students will know what they are and they can learn them quickly and easily.

2. Divide the whole class into 2 parts by their locations to do some group competitions. I’ll show some activities quickly to the students, and they stand up to say out the English phrases. The first one can get a star.

Purpose of my designing:?Through this competition, Let students work in groups to memorize the key words and expressions, and let them learn the cooperative learning.

Step3. Practice

1.Grammar Focus.

Call students’ attention to the grammar focus. Ask students to read the sentences and work in groups to find out the key point in this unit.

2.Activity 3a.

Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box.

Give students several minutes to finish it. Finally, check the answers.

3.Activity 3b.

Complete the sentences.

Give students several minutes to finish it. Finally, invite several groups to act out for the class.

