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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section A 3a—3c下载详情
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Step 1 Lead-in

1. Show some pictures of the past activities to remind students of the memories in our school;

2. Discuss: Looking back at the past three years, what is the most impressive?

Step 2 Fast reading

T: You have so many wonderful memories in junior high school. Have you ever written them down? … Here is a passage written by someone about the memories. Let’s listen and guess: who might the writer be?

1. Listen and guess; (teach the new word graduate)

2. What kind of writing is it?

Step 3 Careful reading

1. Read and underline what the writer remembers;

2. Ask students to tell the memories one by one.( while checking, teach some new words like overcome)

Step 4 One of the features of poems

1. Talk about the features of rhymes, a Chinese poem provided to help students understand.

2. Find out the rhymes in the poem: I remember.

Step 5 Listen and learn

1. Listen to the poem and try to imitate, paying attention to the stress and pause;

2. Read together.

Step 6 Write

T: How did you feel when you read the poem? I think you must feel something.

1. Ask some students to talk about their feelings;

2. Ask student to work in a group of 3-5 to write a stanza or two to describe one of their most unforgettable memories in junior high school.

Step 7 Show time

Ask student to share their stanzas with others.


1. Add one or two more stanzas;

2. If possible, send it to Voice of Jiaochuan.
