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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section A 3a—3c下载详情
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6.As I was waiting in line with the other office workers, I heard a loud sound.过程方法1. 依据文章题目和所给图片,预测(predicting)文章内容。

2. 通过略读(skimming)的方式,猜测文章段落大意。通过寻读 (scanning)的方式,找寻细节内容。

3. 借助关键词,通过读中尝试寻找段落中心句,加强篇章的整体理解。情感态度Life is full of the unexpected. Good things or bad things, we should face them optimistically. 学情分析大部分学生英语基础较好,所以我采用合作探究的方法教授本节课知识,使学生较好的学习本节课的知识。教学重点掌握过去完成时并会运用。

2) 掌握重点句型。教学难点让学生在领会主旨,抓住文章的大致内容之后,带着问题进一步阅读每段内容,深刻了解文章的细节问题。让学生能够通过自主、合作、探究学习的学习方法自主学习。教法学法自主合作探究法,讲授法。

教学准备多媒体教 学 过 程 设 计教学内容教师活动预设学生活动设 计 意图 Warming up and leading in 热身导入

T: Have you ever met something unexpected in your daily life?

Ss: Yeah.

T: What’s it? Tell us.

Ss: ...

T: Everyone has met something unexpected.What do you think of them?

Ss: ...

T: There are many unexpected things in our lives. Sometimes they are good. Sometimes they are

not. Today we’ll meet a person who will tell us what had happened to him. Let’s come to 3a.

Fast Reading:

1.Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.

The general idea of the article is about_____.

A. how to stay away from danger.

B. unexpected things happened in the writer’s life.

C. bad luck turned into good things.

Careful reading:

1. Read the text carefully and silently and fill in the charts.

2. Read Paragraph1 carefully and silently again to find the answers to the questions.

3. Read Paragraph2 carefully and silently again to make the correct order of the following sentences.

4. Finish 3b and 3c.

Inquiry into knowledge by translation(翻译探究)

一.1. = 1 ﹨* GB3 ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ① I felt lucky to be alive._______________________

= 2 ﹨* GB3 ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ② No man alive is greater than him.________________________________

alive 做形容词,意为________。在句子中______做和_______,注意:作定语时要置于所修饰的名词后。

2. = 1 ﹨* GB3 ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ① Can you believe that my first teacher is still living?______________________________

= 2 ﹨* GB3 ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ② She has no living relatives._____________________________

