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师梦圆小学英语教材同步教科版三年级起点六年级下册Let's talk下载详情
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教学过程1 Warming upLet’s sing: It’s a small world

The teacher plays the video of the song for students and asks students to sing with the video.

Let’s review: flag and country

With the song It’s a small world, the teacher sets the context that we are in a small world and we are in one of the countries —China. In the world, there are lots of other countries. So we can go/travel abroad. And then review the word “capital” by saying “Beijing is the capital city of China.”

Ask students to recognize the flag of the country and say out the name of it.

Let’s review: countries

The teacher sets up a context: The summer holiday is coming. I want to travel around the world. Could you please introduce some interesting countries to me? ... Please tell me more information of the country, for example, what can we do?

By using the map of the world and the plane, the teacher will lead students to talk about the country and what can they do in this country.

[设计意图:通过唱歌,让学生快速进入英语学习的氛围,并借助“It’s a small world”建立情境,让学生感知世界和国家的两个概念,建立世界观和培养世界文化意识。然后通过歌曲的world切入本课时的主题,从祖国到世界的国家这线索引导让学生温习巩固已学的词汇和国家名称。通过老师暑假旅游的想法出发,引导学生利用第一课时已学的关于国家的城市、风景名胜、食物、动物等等的知识来介绍国家。]2 Let’s learn

(Dialogue)Set up a context:Miss White, Janet, Ben, Jiamin, and Xiaoling are talking about their travelling plan. Miss White asks: “If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ?”

Listen and match:

Students listen to the text once and match the persons and the countries they want to go. Teacher checks the answers with students.

Listen and fill:

Students listen and watch, get the details of each person and the things they want to do in that country. Teacher checks the answers with students.

Read aloud

Read in groups: ask students to read the dialogue in groups.

Role plays: ask students which group wants to be Miss White, Janet, Ben, Jiamin, and Xiaoling, and then role plays.

Summary: ask students to sum up the factors the country which we are going to travel.

[设计意图:借助情境来帮助学生对课文内容进行推测和理解。分层次让学生练习,有条理地组织学生对课文进行理解和分析。朗读的活动过程当中帮助学生对句子朗朗上口,同时为后面的对课文主题进行表达的分析和总结铺垫。]3 Let’s read Set the context: Mr Brown also likes travelling, and he is going to visit a beautiful country.

Listen and read, fill in the blanks.

[设计意图:从课内过渡到课外篇章,循序渐进地梳理课文脉络之后,借此课外篇章再培养学生的条理性和逻辑性思维。]4 Free talkSet the context: If you have plenty of money and a passport, where will you go?

Draw your mind map: Teacher shows how to draw the mind map. And then the teacher will give each group eight papers. Each paper is about a country. Students choose the country they want to travel and draw the mind map.

Talk with your partner. Teacher shows how to ask and talk with partner, and students will talk to their classmates about the travel plan. The teacher can choose three to five pairs to present their dialogues.

[设计意图:建立情境,然后引导学生运用总结出来的思维导图来梳理信息和组织语言,然后进行同伴对话,有利于帮助学生提高语言综合运用能力。]5 Make a voteSet the context: In this summer holiday, all of you will graduate(毕业). You can travel for your graduation(毕业游). But you don’t have so much money and no passport. You can not go abroad. Where will you go now?

Show the map of China: We can still travel in China. Because there are many beautiful places in our homeland you can choose to travel for your graduation. Which city will you go?

Students talk about the places and the things.

Teacher says the rules: But in all the places we want to go, we could go travel in only one city. Write down your words on the stickers so we can make a vote and decide which city shall we go.

Students write down the vote and stick on the map and get the final answer.

[设计意图:建立情境,然后引导学生运用语言进行师生对话,并进行小组活动投票,选出最后的旅游城市,有利于帮助学生提高热爱祖国和了解祖国的文化意识。]6 Homework作业
