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师梦圆小学英语教材同步科普版三年级起点四年级上册Lesson 8 What's the time?下载详情
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New words: eleven twelve

Finger games: (情境学习)

1) Make an example.

2) Listen and do.

3) Look and say.

4) Sing a song.

The purpose: Playing games and singing can create active atmosphere, it is helpful to raise learning interest of the pupils.

Show a clock. Learn the word: o'clock ……点钟

Show the sentence: What’s the time?

Ask and answer : What’s the time? It’s ___.

Choose some pupils as teachers.

The purpose: This practice enable the pupils to master the structures.

Pairwork (情境合作)


The purpose: Let the pupils to show themselves. Help the pupils to increase their self-confidence.

Step 3 Practice练 习(情境展示)

Basic Exercise

Judge Exercise.

Judge the answer “Yes” or “No”

Creative Exercise.

Use the body to show the time.

The purpose: Enable the pupils full of interest in learning. And they can use they’ve learned in their daily life.

Step 4 Consolidate

In this step I will give some situations to the pupils. Let the pupils try to make dialogues by themselves. (情境提升)

A: Hello! B: Hi!

A: What’s the time?

B: It’s seven.

A: Let’s go to school. OK?

B: OK.

(8:00 read, 10:00 sing, 2:00 play … )