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师梦圆小学英语教材同步辽宁师大版三年级起点四年级下册Unit 1 Welcome to our home!下载详情
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1. Take out a coat and look at who can say out the word “coat”. Then teach it.(Show the word card and ask sb. to read it one by one、groups by groups、or boys and girls.)

Teacher: What is this Students:… (Read coat together.)

(The same method to learn scarf gloves and boots.)

2. Show the coat??scarf??gloves??boots. Students read the words together.

3. Play a game “Let’s Find It”(Show some pictures of clothes and separate the boys and girls into two groups .Find the clothes one girl by one boy. Look at who will get more points. Who finds the clothes first that the teacher wants, their group will get two points.)

4. Take a coat and ask sb. “Do you like the coat? Students answer “Yes, I do.”

5. Point at the coat. T:Put on your coat.(The teacher says as he/she does action. Then write the sentence patterns on the blackboard and teach them.)

6. Use the word cards to train the students to speak the patterns.

7. Show other clothes.

Teacher: Put on your coat. Look at the other three pictures and talk with your partners.

8. Teach sentence:Take off your coat .

9. Look at the student and try to say “Put on your coat .Take off your coat.”

Learn to say

1. Teacher: I want to go out to play. But Mom don’t let him go . So his mother helps him. Now let’s listen what are they talking about.

2. Look at the picture. Listen to the tape for the first time and feel the meanings.

3. Show the text ,listen again ,read after the tape and try to fill in the blanks.

4. Listen again and check the answers.

5. Practice this dialogue themselves.(The teacher gives guidance to them.)

6. Ask sb. to read the dialogue in roles.

7.Read the text by boys and girls. Look at who do well who will get two points. Then change the roles.


1. Students read the new words together.

2. Review the sentence patterns.


1 Act the dialogue by groups.

2 Practice the sentence patterns .

3 Write the new words.


Unit 1

??Put on your…coat?gloves