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师梦圆小学英语教材同步沪教版三年级起点三年级下册7 Hobbies下载详情
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Ss are able to use the words and sentences to introduce what they like doing.


Ss are able to use the words and sentences to introduce what they have and to play games.


Pictures, word cards, ppt

Unit 7


课 题Hobbies教学内容Enjoy a story教学目标知识与技能1.Ss can read and write the new words in Look and learn correctly.

2.Ss can use words to describe different hobbies.

3. Ss can understand and answer the sentence pattern: What do you like? I like doing.过程与方法1.Using modeled phrases to communicate with teachers and other learners.

2. Open an interaction by introducing oneself.情感态度与价值观Ss can be curious about activities and try to cultivate different hobbies.教学重点Words: swim skate read sing dance paint教学难点Words: swim skate read sing dance paint教学方法CAI教学具准备ppt教学过程设计意图个性修改1..Pre-task preparations

1) Free talk.

Lead ss to talk about what they like.

T: Hello, boys and girls. Summer is coming. Do you like summer?

2) Do a survey.

Show pictures of tools, animals, fruits,etc on the screen. Lead ss work in groups to talk about what they like. Do a survey in the group.

What do you like? I like```.

通过相关主题讨论,调动学生兴趣和积极性,引导学生初步感知单元词汇。2. While-task procedures

1) Look and learn.

Words about food showed on the screen and have ss read and spell them correctly.

2) Charades.

Ss work in pairs. One acts and the other guess the word. It’s a competition among groups.

3) Look and say.

Look at some pictures on the screen. Lead ss to describe with sentence pattern: I like doing.

T: I like swimming. Do you like swimming?

Ss: Yes, I like swimming./ No, I don’t like swimming.

4) Listen and say.

Listen to the record and lead ss to read after it.引入单元重点词汇,让学生初步感知和应用新学词汇和新句型,引导学习跟读,在语境中培养语言素养。3. Post- task activities

1) Pair work.
