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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点六年级上册Part B下载详情
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Step 2:Lead in:

1. Show Ss the picture of the earth .let the Ss to say something about it. Teach “only one” eg:We have only one earth./ I have only one pen.)

2.show Ss some beautiful pictures like green trees, red flowers ,clean water and so on. Ask them to talk about them.Use “We can see ……”,then show Ss .”There are a lot of trees, vivers and mountains on the earth . There are also many animals here with us.” (Explain:here with us, There are many teachers here with us.)

3.Show Ss another pictures that we do bad things to our earth. Eg: We cut down too many trees. We make the water and the air dirty. We waste too much water . We kill the animals.

Tell them, these are what we do for our earth.“What bad things we do to our earth?” Lead them to answer. “We …”

T says.”Yes, we do so many bad things to our earth. We cut down too many trees. We waste too much water,”Teach “too many” “ too much” Eg: too many flowers /animals. too much juice / milk.

“Are we right? What should we do? Let’s listen to the text first.

Step 3: New teaching

1. Listen and answer. “What should we do?’

“ We should to something to make the water and the air clean again .We should …”

2. Read together,then tick or cross.

Do some practice on Page 20.

3. Watch the video “ The Crying Earth ”, then talk something that you want to say.

Step 4: Summary and Homework.

1. Say together: We have only one earth. We should care for it!


(1)以”Care for Mother Earth”为题,办一份英文倡议书。

  (2)Recite the text.

Teaching design:

Unit 3. Care for the Earth. (Reriod Ⅲ)

do bad things

cut down trees

We shouldn’t waste water

make the air dirty

kill the animals

do good things

make the water clean

We should make the air clean

plant trees

help the animals