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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点六年级下册Part A下载详情
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T: What does your mother do?

S1: She is a teacher / nurse / reporter / ...

2. 请学生结合实际情况就彼此家人的工作自由会话。

ⅱ. 新课导入


S1: What’s your father?

S2: He is a doctor.

T: Your father is a doctor, so do you want to be a doctor?

S2: No.(根据学生的回答教师随机发问。如果回答是Yes. 教师可以总结为:Well. You want to be a doctor.)

T: What do you want to be then?

S2: I want to be a singer / an actor / ... (引导学生回答)

Ⅱ. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)

ⅰ. 新课展示 Part A Let’s learn

1. 教授词组study the stars, land on the moon, travel around the world, become a tour guide和go to college。


(1)课件展示句型 I wanted to ...并做陈述:

T: When I was 12. I wanted to be a scientist. I liked little stars very much. I watched the little stars in the sky and wondered what they are. I wanted to study the stars. 课件同步呈现短语study the stars和图片。

(2)T: I wanted to study the stars. I wanted to fly up to the sky. I wanted to land on the moon.

课件呈现航天员登上月球的图片,引出词组land on the moon,引导学生先发好land的音,并记住意思“落地、着陆”,从而记住整个词组。

(3)T: When I was sixteen, I hoped to become a tour guide because I hoped to travel around Shaanxi Province, and I hoped to travel around the world.


课件出示导游图片,教师也可手拿旅行社的旗子帮助学生理解,课件出示所在省份的著名景点和相应表达,继而呈现词组travel around the world。领读几遍,并鼓励加以运用,如:

travel around China / the USA / Australia / the countries in the southeast

(4)T: When I was 18, I wanted to go to college.

课件同步呈现某一知名师范大学的背景和go to college短语。

T: I wanted to go to college because I wanted to be a teacher.

2. 带领学生再次回顾自己不同年龄段的梦想,进行这五个词组的学习。学生跟读,并尝试用I want to ... 练习、巩固这五个词组。教师在确保大部分学生已经掌握了五个词组之后,引导学生根据实际情况更真实地表述各自的梦想,如:

S1: I want to become a police officer.

S2: I want to travel around Beijing.

S3: I want to go to Tsinghua College (University).