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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section C下载详情
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4. Learn reading skills: guessing the meaning of words, catching main idea, skimming and scanning.

5. Think problems on their own, cooperate with others and express their own thoughts.

6. Realize the beauty and value of our homes, and protect our homes.

Teaching contents: Talk about our community.

Focal and Difficult points:

Use new words and phrases, there be sentence structure to describe our community.

Use reading skills: guessing the meaning of words, catching main idea, skimming and scanning.

Teaching aids:

The computer, blackboard, chalk, PPT.

Type of the lesson:

Reading class.

Teaching procedures:

OrderStepDetailObjectiveresources1Pre-reading (5 minutes)1.1Introduce Miss XuDivide students into 6 groups and tell students the winning group will get a prize from Miss Xu.

Tell students something about Miss Xu and Miss Xu becomes Miss Unhappy now. In this part, we can deal with new words and phrases: close to, far from, child, children.Lead in and deal with new words.1.2Making friendsAsk students whether they want to make me happy and to be my friends. And do you want to know about my life?

Then introduce my community to them in there be sentence structures.

Deal with more new words and phrases: such as, a lot of (lots of), sport, service, area, colorful.Talk about my community and deal with new words.

Students learn to guess the meaning of new words.1.3Quick response Do the quick response game Whac-A-Mole.

Read words quickly when the words come out.Consolidate students’ memory of key words and phrases.2While-reading(15minutes) 2.1Introduce Linda’s community Ask students whether they want to know about my friend in Wanzhou, Linda.2.2Watch the video and answer questionsWhat’s the name of Linda’s community?

Is there a school in her community? Know the main idea of this passage.2.3Read fastLet’s read more details.

Read the passage fast and match sentences with each paragraph. Skimming: know the topic of each paragraph.2.4Read Para.1 carefullyRead Para.1 aloud and fill in the blanks about “who lives here”.

Learn There be +sb. /sth. doing sth. + place sentence structure.Scanning: read details in Para.1 and there be sentence structure.PPT2.5Listen to Para.2.

Read Para.2 carefully.Listen and underline places.

Read Para.2 aloud and carefully and fill in the blanks about places in the community.Scanning and catching key words.2.6Read Para.2 again Read Para.2 again and circle True or False. Correct the wrong parts.Read for more details.2.7Read Para.3Read Para.3 together and fill in the blanks.Pay attention to important words. 3Post-reading(17minutes)3.1Group work(15 minutes) To become friends, Miss Xu needs to know something about your community.

Write a passage and tell Miss Xu something about your community.

Ask a few students to read and correct.

Miss Xu has a small home in Wanzhou and a big home in school. Miss Unhappy turns into Miss Happy. Encourage students to write a similar passage in the making-friend situation.3.2Get emotional promotion (2 minutes)Show pictures of bad behaviors that ruin our beautiful homes.

Ask students to protect our community: East or west, home is the best.

The more beautiful our home is, the happier we will be. Miss Happy will become Miss Happier.Students can realize the beauty and value of our homes and protect our homes.4Summarize (1minute) The winning group will get pictures of ideal communities.5Homework (1 minute)Ask other students to design their own ideal communities. Draw them out and write a passage to describe.Unit 6 Our Local Area

Topic 2 Section C

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