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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section C下载详情
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Teaching methods: 讲练结合,以练为主

Teaching aids: multimedia

= 6 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT VI . Teaching procedures

StepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction

(5 minutes)The whole class work.

Group work.1.Focus their attention on the teacher.

2. Sit in groups. Check the homework.

1.Get students ready for learning.

2.Make the students check the homework.Presentation

(18 minutes)The whole class work and individual work.

Individual work and pair work.

3. Pair work.

Learn some new words, community, child, sport, close, far from, service, area, colorful.

Look at the pictures and say the places as quickly as you can. Then say the words according to your partner’s description in pairs.

Pre-reading. Work in pairs and complete the tasks before reading. Underline the places in English first. Then discuss with your partner, “Do you like living there? Why?”

While-reading. Read 1a and get the main idea of this passage.

Read again and fill in the blanks in 1b.

Read the third time and circle True or False in 1c. Discuss the answers in groups. The whole class check the answers together.

5.Key points:

(1).There be +人/物+doing sth.


e.g. There is a bird (sing) in the tree.

There are some cars (run)on the street.

(2). families with young children带着一个小孩的家庭

a townhouse with two floors

I live in a townhouse with two floors

Some families with young children live here.

(3).There are a lot of tall buildings.

a lot of = lots of = many 或 much

(4).do sports 做运动