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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)五年级下册Unit 1 It's big and light.下载详情
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This green bag is clean, clean.

This blue bag is dirty, dirty.

This black bag is nice, nice.

This white bag is cute, cute.

设计意图:根据《You are happy》这首曲子的的调子进行老歌新唱,既活跃了气氛,又复习了形容词,为本课学生描述书包做语言储备。


1.Show some bags. Review the words about colours.

T:Boys ang girls, I have a hobby. I like collecting bags. I have lots of bags. Look, (呈现两个包,一小一大)this is my bag, this is my bag and these are my bags too.(课件呈现颜色不同的包)They are colourful. This bag is red. This bag is ...(学生描述屏幕上不同包的颜色)They are very nice. But I like the two bags best.


Learn the new words light heavy


T:This bag is ... That bag is ...

S1: This bag is small. That bag is big.

T: And this bag is light. That bag is heavy.

T: Look, Pang Yankun’s bag is heavy. Pang Yankun’s desk is heavy, too.

(随意拿着学生的包,表述This bag is light / heavy.然后让学生自己表达:My bag is light / heavy.)

当说到某同学的包又大又轻时,T: Today we’re going to learn Module 5 Unit1 It’s big and light. 板书本课课题)

(屏幕出现单词light heavy两个单词,领着学生做韵律)

Light and heavy.

Heavy and light,

Light and heavy,

Say it again.

Then show the cards light heavy, say the chant again. Then stick the cards on the blackboard.

设计意图:本着以学生为主体的原则,引导学生表述My bag is light / heavy.并运用三年级所学韵律的节奏型练习生词,加深学生对生词的认识,激发学生学习兴趣。

Learn the new words :wheel pocket umbrella broken

(1) T: Boys and girls, next week, I will visit Beijing. I have lots of

things to carry. I will take the bag.(拿出另一个包)

T: Because it’s got two wheels. (课件呈现句型)This is a wheel.

This is a wheel.One wheel, Two wheels. (拿出自制道具:

两个轮子)They are wheels.(Then stick the two cards on the
