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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)五年级下册Unit 1 It's big and light.下载详情
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T: Who is he?

Ss: He is Tom.

T: Now, let’s listen to the chant and think over what’s Tom doing?


Ss: He’s flying a kite.

T: What colour is the kite?

Ss: It’s blue and white.

T;If have got a kite. I like green and purple.

T: Which one do you like? (复习颜色) (课件2:各颜色风筝图片)

S: I like ______ and _________.

T: Look! Here is a colorful kite. What colour is it?

(2)learn the chant

Watch and listen (播放动画)

T:look at Tom carefully. Why he feels tired? 图片Tom 流汗

Because it’s hard to fly a kite. It’s easy to ride a bike.

Teach the new word of “hard-easy” with cards.

Hard car card park bark far

Easy read eat sea tea meat

Is it easy? Yes, it’s easy. No, it’s hard.

(3)Watch and follow.

It’s big. It’s light.

It’s hard to fly a kite.

It’s blue. It’s white.

It’s nice to ride a bike.

(4)Review the opposite words in the two pictures:齐读

easy-hard big-small new-old broken-nice heavy-light

dirty-clean long-short fat- thin good-bad

Learn the text.

Learn the paragraph one and show the first picture of it.

A: Free talk
