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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)四年级下册Lesson 2下载详情
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2. Now, look, it's a sheep. It lives on a farm.(板书) It's a cow. It lives on a farm, too. They live on a farm.

3. Look, where is it? Africa. Look at the pictures about Africa. In Africa there are many animals

Listen and guess. Yes, a lion. It lives in Africa.(板书)They live in Africa.

4, Look and listen. who's coming? Yes, a sheep. It's a sheep. What col our is it? It's yellow. You can describe other animals. (看实物)

5. Guess the next one is a pig. It likes eating. Look, it's grass. It eats grass. (板书)

5(2). Watch the video, the wolf likes sheep. It wants to catch the sheep. It eats other animals.

5(3). What about the other animals? Show picture: It eats grass or other animals.

6. Different animals have different features. Listen, it's a cow. It has got four legs.(板书)

6(2). (遮住尾巴) a tail, I t has got a long tail.

7. Describe an animal: hippo

Show animals, it has got …….together, then ask two pupils to describe.

8. It likes grass or other animals? It likes (板书)

Step 4: Practice

Guessing: What is it?

Listen and choose.

Example; My favourite animal is ……

Describe your favourite animal in groups.

Look and tick, check the answers.

Step 5: Imput(情感渗透)