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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)六年级下册Lesson 1下载详情
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2. 能用第三人称转述文章,注意人称的转换。教学准备PPT 学习单课前预习内容阅读并理解part 1文段 班级学情分析本节课主要是让学生能听懂、读懂介绍Mary的文段,了解Mary的家乡苏格兰以及当地的文化,希望通过视频,孩子们能喜欢上苏格兰这个国家,对古堡感兴趣,从而激发孩子们的英语学习兴趣。课时安排一课时过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动课堂导 入

引入课题Warming up

1. Teach the word: diary

Show Mary’s first diary to students and ask: What is it?

A. poster B. weibo C. diary

In your diary, you can write about your day, your feelings, your dreams, your families and your good friends.

2. Play Mary’s sound: This is my first diary, I wrote it at seven. And ask: whose diary is it?

3. Show Mary’s first diary and ask:

How was the weather in her diary?

Who is Mary’s new friend?

4. Show the following exercise: Read and find out the past tenses of the words:

go-- is---

eat--- write---

1. Learn the word: diary

Answer the question and understand the meaning of the word.

2. Listen and answer the question and know that“Today we’ll learn unit 3 Mary’s dirary.

3. Read Mary’s first diary and answer the questions and then complete the exercise.合作探究二、Presentation:

Teach the word: Scotland.

Play the tape and ask: Where does Mary live ?

Then teach them read the word.

2.Play a video about the scenery of Scotland.

Ask: What do you think of Scotland?

Then teach the sentence:

My home town is a beautiful place.

3.Teach the sentence: There’s a big castle on the lake.

Show a picture of a castle and ask:

What is it? Where is the castle?

There is a big castle on the lake.

4.Show the form to students and ask them to read and understand the text .
