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三年级下册《Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time》集体备课教案下载-池州市优质课

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师PPT, word cards, radio and tapes学

生Exercise book, pen and English book导入T: Good morning, boys and girls!

S: Good morning, teacher!

T: How are you today?

S: I’m fine, thank you.

T: Good, sit down, please!

教学内容学生活动Step 1 Warm-up and lead-inWarm-up and learn T: Now let’s count the number from one to twelve. One, two, three, go!教

教学内容学生活动S: One, two, three, four … twelve. (学生数数)

to read the title.

Learn how to express the time.

Look and say.

Learn new words. T: What’s that? (指着时钟问学生) S:It’s a clock. T: Yes, very nice. This lesson we will learn something aboutclock. “Unit 2 What time is it?”(教师板书标题)Follow me, “Unit 2 What time is it?” S: Unit 2 What time is it? (学生跟着老师读标题)Step 2 Presentation 1.(播放PPT) T: What time is it? S: It’s 8 o’clock.(学生观察图片填出数字) 教师教授学生,当是整点时,用“数字+o’clock”来表示,并教读o’clock;半点时,直接读出数字。 Let students look at pictures of clock on the PPT, then fill in the blank to express the time. 2. Learn the new words (1)Look at picture that the bear teach the English letters.Let students guess“What class?. Students guess “English class”. T: Yes, you are very clever, it’s a English class. Follow me“English class”.(教师板书) S: English class. T: Look at this picture, what are they doing?教

教学内容学生活动 S: They are singing.

Write new words on the exercise book.

Learn to use sentence patterns.

Listen and read. T: Yes, they have music class. Follow me “music class”. S: Music class.(教师板书) T:The last picture is “PE class”. Read after me “PE class”. In this way, teach the other words: breakfast, lunch and dinner. (2)Let students write new words like PPT on the exercise book.Then the teacher ask some students show their writing on the Electronic White Board. And give an evaluation. (3)Play the radio, let students read the words follow the tape . 3. Learn the sentence pattern (1)Look at PPT, let students look at the clock and say thetime “It’s 6 o’clock.” T: What are they doing? (让学生看PPT上的图片来回答) S: Dinner. (也许学生不会说have dinner。) T: Yes, they have dinner. We can say “It’s time for dinner.” Follow me “It’s time for dinner.” S: It’s time for dinner. Teacher explain how to use “It’s time for…” and give themsome example. (2) Listen to the tape and read after it.教学过程教学内容学生活动Step 3 Practice and consolidate

Do the words game.

Pair work. (1) Words game The teacher say English, the students say the Chinese meaning.And teacher say Chinese, the students say English. (2) Look at the table of PPT and fill in the blank. The teachergive an example.Eg. --- What time is it? --- It’s seven o’clock. It’s time for breakfast. Students make a dialogue according to the table with their partner.课堂练习Teacher say Chinese(时间点), Students say English.

2. Look at PPT, the students make a dialogue with sentence pattern.Practice课堂小结1. Key words: breakfast, lunch, dinner, English class, PE class,

music class.

2.Sentence patterns: What time is it? It’s…

It’s time for…Sum-up together课后作业1. Write new words five times and sentences three times.

2. Try to read Part A Let’s do.板书设计Unit 6 What time is it ?
