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四年级下册(2013年10月第1版)《Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time》公开课教案下载-玉林市优质课

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T: Can you find out the word with i/aI/

(找出blind, mice, wife, knife, sight, life, 进一步复习巩固I/aI/的发音)

T: But today we will learn another sound. Please read and find.

(出示English, fish, listen)

Read and find i/I/. Can you use these words to make a sentence? First discuss with your desk mate?(引出Before eating fish,let’s listen to some English.)

Say the chant in pairs.

T: Now let’s listen to the song with/I/sound.

(跟音学习igloo,infant,ink, Indian四个单词,进一步感知i/I/的发音)

T: Say the chant: Indian,Indian,please come inside. I says/i//i/ in,in,in

T: I can make sound with a lot of concernants. Let’s try to spell.


T: Let’s listen to the story. This story is about a special animal. It is fat. It has a big nose and a big mouth.It has big ears too. But its tail is short. What is it?引出P-i-g,pig. The pig is so lovely.This year is the Year of the Pig.Do you like the pig?

6.T: Today we have a funny story about the pig. Please listen and watch.

T: What is the story about?What is the pig doing?学习jig(引出题目Pig jigs.引导学生试着领会jig的意思,看视频动画理解)

T: Who can jig after the video?(请几个学生上来跳一跳,感受一下jig吉格舞曲的欢快)

T: The pig jigs. What happen? Please watch?(学习绘本)

T:Look at the pig.He is so funny. What does he have? Please listen.

(引出wig) /i/ /g/ /ig/ ,/w/ /ig/ /wig/.A pig and a wig.猜一猜wig是什


What colour is his wig? Look, I have wigs too. Who can come and try them on?(进一步理解wig的意思,并带着跳一跳,感受其中的快乐)

T:Look, where does he jig?(引出hill )

T:The pig jigs so happily. Suddenly,what happen?(学习slip,进一步学:习flip,hip,sit,still直拼教学)

7.Let’s watch and read.(跟读绘本,熟练朗诵)

8.Read in four and try to act.(4人一组,一起读绘本,并试着表演)


11.Boys and girls.Laugh out of the other side of your mouth .(乐极生悲)


1.Find more words that letter “ i ” is pronounced / I / or / aI /. (找出更多单词,包含字母i的任意一种发音。)

2.Read and retell the story.

The sound of letter“I”
