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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级上册Story time下载详情
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四、 教学过程

Before class

Enjoy a video about Christmas

Step 1 Free talk

1 Brainstorm

T: Hello, Boys and girls, today I’m your new teacher Miss Zou, nice to meet you, everyone.

S: Nice to meet you.

T: We enjoyed a short video just now, can you guess what holiday is it about?

S: It’ about Christmas.

T: Great. Can you say something about Christmas? 板书Unit8 At Christmas

2 Show learning aims

T: In today’s class. We can learn a story about Mike’s Christmas Day.

First, we can learn… next… then…finally…

Please listen carefully and show yourself actively, ok?

S: ok.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1 Lead in: send a message

T: At Christmas, we have a lot of things to do, but first what should I do? Let me sent a message to my English friend Mike to ask him about his Christmas.


(Mike 回了两条信息给我)

Mike: We always have a lot of fun at Christmas.

Mike: Let me show you a video about Christmas.

板书:We always have a lot of fun at Christmas.

Step 3 While-reading

1. Watch and order

T: Watch Mike’s video carefully and then put these pictures in the correct order.


2. Listen and answer.

T: Wow, they have so many things to do at Christmas, what do they usually do before Christmas? Let me send a message to Mike.