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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级上册Story time下载详情
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1.教学内容:story time




3.拟采用的教学方法:教师引导,自主探究X |k | B| 1 . c |O |m

4. 教学设计建议:

T: Let’s enjoy a song first, but I’ll ask you some questions about it. Pease pay attention.

T: Have you got it? Now I have some questions for you.

Q1: What festival is it? Christmas

Q2: When is Christmas?

Q3: Who sends presents to children?

Q4: Can you find some things about Christmas?

T: Well, do you like Christmas? Mike and his family also like Christmas. They always have a lot of fun.

(PPT) Now, let’s watch the cartoon and number the pictures.

T: Class, look at the blackboard. First, they buy presents and a Christmas tree. Next, they put pretty things on the Christmas tree. Then, Christmas Eve comes. Finally, it is Christmas Day.

T: Then, how do people celebrate Christmas? Now, open your books, read the test and try to choose.

T: Look, there are some new words. Can you learn them by yourself? Now let’s do the groupwork.

Read follow T

T: Now, this time, please open your books and turn to page 78, let’s read and repeat.

T: Now, let’s read together.

T: OK, now Let’s try to read the test in groups. You can choose your favourite way to do it. OK?

T: Well, I think you understand very well. What do people do at Christmas? First, they buy presents for their family and friends. They also buy a Christmas tree, they go to see Father Christmas. Next, what people do? Then… can you? And finally…you please.

Let’s retell the test, you can discuss with your partners.

12.T: Boys and girls, Christmas is coming. Let’s have a Christmas party in our class, OK? What do we do before Christmas party? ( What can we buy…? What can we make? At Christmas party, what do we do? …

T: Now, please work in groups, discuss your plans for Christmas party.